Testing, 1, 2, 3...
The Biggest question always comes to mind when starting a blog... or journal entry... 'where should I begin to break the unsettling silence of my whole life preceding this moment?' I guess that's why I have never finished a journal in my life (almost did once... ) and why there have been so many failed attempts since. I never seem to know where or how to break that silence. So here we go! I'm just going to jump into things.
I'm starting a little bit of a new approach on a blog. Well, new for my personal blogging experience I know that this is not new to mankind. I am starting a semi-photo blog/semi-business promo blog.
Though I may not always be writing down inspirational quotes that will be remembered through generations, I am almost always taking photos. Between school assignments and every day life I manage to bog down my computer's memory with a larger number of images. In my opinion its a little easier to break the silence of days past between entries with a photo, because the photo does the speaking.
That said, let me briefly introduce myself. I'm 23 years old, I have been married for nearly four years this coming November, I am an art student majoring in photography, and a new mother to my beautiful little girl of 7 months now. She has been probably the greatest wellspring of inspiration for me lately, of course any parent can probably relate.
I am currently in the process of starting up a small online boutique (www.wix.com/etreasures/boutique) I have been looking for ways to fund equipment and supplies while in school, and further promote my photography, and this seemed a great way to meld the two together. Feel free to check it out, and also let me know if anyone's interested in anything.
Enough said.... I am bringing this post to a close (No pictures this time. Sorry). The next post shall not be lacking in photos I promise!
Let the posting begin!