Wednesday, October 6, 2010


A topic that we have been discussing in class this week is called 'photo-seeing'. It's the way that a photographer see's the world, but doesn't really 'see' the world. (If you can't stop kicking yourself for leaving your camera home when you go somewhere, because you find yourself reveling in what lies before you, then realize when you do have the camera that its almost like you miss out on what's around you because your so caught up in capturing the perfect picture, then you know what I'm talking about) Well, that's my point of view on the subject. 

Which leads me to another thought. As discussion progressed, I realized that everyone's take of this lady's opinion on how photographer's see was completely different. I saw it for what she was saying... I agreed and I didn't quite get how people could derive other conclusions. Of course maybe they thought the same of me. Who knows? Whatever the case, photography is 100% perspective... we photograph what's in front of us, while imposing our perspectives on the final recreation of the image. But that's what make photography so interesting in my opinion. It's the challenge not to take a photo like I've seen someone else do it, but to take it for what originally inspired me. 

It's also funny how many interpretations can be made out of a picture.

So that said... these are a couple photos I took one day while the lighting was just perfect. 

A couple more thought s... (for photographers out there). What is it that makes you point your camera at your subject? What is your end goal in taking a photo? Generally speaking, I like to photograph something, because I just like how it looks. Whether it be the texture, or just how the light falls onto my subject. 


Courtney said...

I'm trying to learn more about photography, but no matter how hard I try to expand the subjects I photograph I still end up with millions of pictures of my baby girl!

Cassie said...

Well that's easy! She's adorable, she's your little girl, and your comfortable with her. All good reasons to photograph her tons.

HP offers free online classes that can help you with a couple ideas ? If you're interested.

Unknown said...

Ooooooooh Cassie I really like these photos!

In answer to your ending questions... I enjoy picking up the camera for two reasons. Reason #1: Because its capturing a moment in time that will never come around again. Never in that perfect way it is at the very moment I'm there. Reason #2: I like to challenge myself and actually capture what I see... There are many times I feel that what I'm looking at is not what I'm capturing. I understand there is the emotion and atmosphere of something. But I want my pictures to speak! :)

Cassie said...

Thank you Jenny!

I like that you've got answers for the questions. Thanks for sharing.

If you remember to stay true to yourself photographically speaking, that will be enough to set you apart.