My mind shifts into a completely different gear during summer, especially now that I am no longer just a student on break, I'm a mommy who shifts into full throttle when school goes on the back burner. I always end my semester's with lists and promises of goals I'll accomplish... and summer usually comes and goes without me having the chance to give it a second thought.
Often times I find myself feeling bad that I haven't spent more time being creative or honing my skills.
My focus usually becomes more about every day life, and therefore that's usually what I photograph. It's like I go into warp speed trying to catch up on all of the photo ops of my daughter that I usually miss during the school year. I've also shifted into high gear with my crochet. So.. I guess I am learning to see the creative in the every day, when my life may not be goal oriented in the art department.
I was going through editing some of these photos I took over the 4th, and was a bit disappointed at the grainy quality of them due to the high ISO setting. I also tend to stray away from the softer focus, however I was reminded of my instructor's comments that there's not always cause for sharp focus, and I think that the more grainy and soft focus of these images are effective for the theme I decided to shoot for.
So I thought I'd share a couple of my favorites.